What Defines Me?

I was just discovering my true self when I met The Hubster. It wasn't his fault, but I threw myself into being a great wife, cook and housekeeper. When my daughters came along, I simply wanted make their lives as happy as possible. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to find out exactly who I was, and I have only recently gotten back on track.

The years between have been a lot of fun, and I've learned a lot of important stuff, like what I am not.

I am an office manager, but that does not define my talents.
I am married to The Hubster, but that does not define my identity.
I am the mother of two children, but that does not define my life.
I am a member of a Baptist church, but that does not define my faith.
I am a breast cancer patient, but that does not define my personality.

What defines me? Am I someone's employee, someone's wife, someone's mother, some church's member, someone's patient? Yes, I am those things, but those things do not define who I am. Don't think that anyone took my individuality away from me by force. I let myself go, by degrees, not all at once. Only in the rearview mirror, can I see clearly.

When I took time to uncover who I really was, what my real persona was, then I fully became my own individual. It takes effort to get to know oneself. I spent time writing, blogging, studying the Bible, talking to trusted mentors, and asking God to reveal it to me. My Heavenly Father showed me His promises:

I am created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26-27)
I am the temple of the living God. (I Corinthians 3:16)
I am a new creature in God. (II Corinthians 5:17)
I am a child of God by faith in Jesus Christ. (Galatians 3:26-28)
I am an heir of God through Christ. (Galatians 4:4-7)

The time spent getting to know myself has been important work.This process took effort; it didn't come easy. I KNOW who God created me to be. I may not be everyone's cup of tea, and that's alright by me. Because I invested in me, I am at peace. 


Female in Motion Health Update: My white blood cell count is up (16.1) and my red blood cell count is down (3.39), so on Christmas Eve, I began wearing surgical masks in public, to avoid an infection, on my oncologist's advice. It's a good thing I did, because virtually everyone in Ark City has a stomach virus. Even The Hubster has come down with an awful cold, so we are masking at home, too. I have two more doses of chemotherapy, on January 7 and 28. Then, I will rest for a few weeks before starting six weeks of radiation. Hopefully, my bloodwork will improve. Another concern is an increase in overall fatigue. I just don't seem to have the energy I did at the beginning of treatment. No surprise there. Please keep my continued good health in your prayers. Thanks!


Female in Motion Exercise Update: Exercise? What's that? I haven't had enough energy and stamina to keep my shoes tied, much less walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. Hope this goes away quickly!


Notable Quote:

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."--Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh


Bonnie Tharp said…
You are in my prayers every day. Thank you for the honest and enlightening post. Women often lose themselves in their families and men in their jobs. It's our responsibility to find out who we really are and rejoice. Take care, dear friend. -bd
Thanks so much for the comment, B.! And you're right, rejoicing is the most important part. God bless!
Ginny Marie said…
Beautiful devotional post, Carol!
Thanks so much for your support, Ginny Marie!

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