Nut Crackers, Nutcrackers, Nut Crackers
The Hubster wanted to get in on the fun. He said he knew where they were. He came back beaming and said he found them and got two, like I asked. He got nut CRACKERS. (See proud Hubster in photo above.) I wanted NUT crackers. We asked the customer service rep, but after determining what type of nut crackers I wanted, she said they were out, and could have them in sometime next week. Finally, we stopped by Country Mart on the way home to grab some dinner. On a whim, I looked on the baking goods aisle, near the nuts. There they were: nut crackers.
We laughed and danced and giggled there amidst the flour and baking soda, reveling in the glory of our victory.
Thanks, Lord, for busy days, time for laughs, dances, and giggles, wild goose chases and nut crackers...all three kinds. In Jesus' name, Amen.