Back on Track

Most writers (and bloggers) like to make New Years resolutions. I do not. For the last decade, however, I have been praying about things I want God to lay on my heart. Maybe a word, or a goal to focus on in the year ahead. This year, when I prayed for a word, God gave me three: Back on Track.

When I meditated and prayed about this phrase, I got the message clearly that my Heavenly Father wants me to be about His Business...I need to get back to what He commanded me to do three years ago, start an encouragement ministry through my blog, writing and speaking, helping women to recognize the gifts God has given them and using them to their fullest potential.

You see, since February 2012, I have been in survival mode. Or, maybe I should say "survivor mode." I'm currently fighting a battle with breast cancer. Treatment is going good and I should be done by the end of March. After that, I will rest a few months and then do reconstruction. It is good and right that I should pay attention to my health, but not to the neglect of my mission. 

John 10:10b (KJV)
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

This scripture reminds us to fly, not plod along with our heads down. I finished my first book in June 2012, and have not gotten it published yet. I need to get back to work on this project. God will bless our work when we stay on point. He will also bless every other aspect of our lives when we live in submission to His will.

This month, I'm going to breathe, listen for His voice and fly on the wind of the mission before me. I'm getting back on track. How about you?


Female in Motion Health Update: Fatigue is my daily companion. I feel pretty normal when I wake up, but as the day progresses, my strength wanes. I end up holding down the recliner from 5 p.m. until bedtime. The only other side effects I have are insomnia and neuropathy. Two more weeks, and I can start climbing out of the hole, permanently.


Notable Quote:

"The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him."--William McGill


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