Worry is a Waste of Time

I admit it. I am a worrier. But I'm reformed. Ask The Hubster. I used to drive him crazy with all my "what ifs," constantly wondering about the next bill, the next holiday, the next appliance to break down. Sadder than anything was, I thought all women were like that. At least all the women I knew.

Growing up, I worried about getting homework done on time, if a cute boy would ask me out, where I would go to college and what I would major in. Although I did pray about the big stuff, I didn't want to "bother" God with the mundane details of my life. So I worried them myself.

After I married and had kids, I had lots more things to worry about. Some of these things I could take care of, but most were above my pay-grade. So I would pray about an issue and then instead of turning it over to God completely, I would take it back to worry over it some more. Kind of like carrying around a backpack full of boulders.

Intellectually, I knew that worrying was getting me nowhere. The problems didn't go away. I just felt worse. In my heart, in my soul, I ached for an answer. And then it came.

During a Bible study, I found that "fear not" is mentioned 379 times in Scripture. Whoa! As a lifelong student of English, I also knew that "fear not" is a command, not a suggestion. Who was I kidding? This little "habit" of worrying I had gotten myself into was a downward spiral right into sin. That's right. Worry is a sin.

That got my attention...quickly. How audacious I was to think that I could handle things better than God could! This was not something I could just flip a switch on, though. Those lazy habits I had gotten into year after year would have to be unlearned. This was going to take some practice and persistence.

Some days, I would lug that backpack of boulders to the foot of the cross 12-15 times per day, and then pick it right back up again. Ugh! Slowly, ever so slowly, I left it there. Just a little victory, day by day. I can't say that I'm 100 percent reformed now. I am what I am, but praise God, I'm not what I used to be.


Cyber Monday is today, and I got my wish lists, my coupon codes and my comfy clothes ready early. First thing this morning, I hit Amazon hard! Let's just say that I'm expecting a big hug from the UPS guy in a couple of days.


Momala's Book Club Pick:
I read "Julie" last week, during the holiday. Written by Catherine Marshall, author of "Christy" and "A Man Called Peter," this inspirational author penned a story about a young woman whose family lives in small-town Pennsylvania during the Great Depression. Julie has dreams of going to college and becoming a journalist, but first she must help her father save their newspaper from the local tyrant. Clean, and a fast read. Three out of five stars.


Female in Motion Exercise Update: I did five aerobic workouts last week. The Holiday Diet Wrecker Monster has been vanquished!


Notable Quote:

"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."--Glenn Turner


Debbie Giese said…
I just linked in from Women of Faith, and had to say hi. You mentioned a book by Catherine Marshall, and Peter Marshall is my great great uncle, or something like that...Thanks for the book suggestions, and for your post!

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