Talking About Women

Well, folks, I am bushed! Last weekend, I attended the Women of Faith Conference in Kansas City with my mom. We boarded a bus on Thursday evening, joined by a bunch of church ladies from the Wichita area. Let me tell you, we were a rowdy crowd. Anybody who says Christians don't know how to have fun is misinformed.

Conference speakers included Luci Swindoll, Sheila Walsh, Lisa Harper, Karen James and Kim Cash Tate. A very special guest speaker (not a woman!) was Marcus Buckingham, the world's leading authority on finding your strengths. The theme this year was "Imagine." Encouraging the eight thousand attendees to dream big, this team spoke on finding your strengths and gifts, trusting God to lead and paying attention to God's Word and will for your life. We heard compelling life stories, too, and lots of great music. Natalie Grant, Mary Mary and the Women of Faith Worship Team provided lots of fun songs to sing along.

As if two days of women, worship and fun weren't enough, I stayed all night with my mom on Saturday and woke up to the intoxicating aroma of pancakes the next morning. How lovely! After Sunday School at my childhood church, I was surprised with a request: I was asked to be the acolyte (candle lighter) during the call to worship. It's just like riding a bike, though, I hadn't forgotten.

The maraschino cherry on the top of this weekend's sundae was the Veteran's Dinner held at my mom's church on Sunday afternoon. Everyone brought soups and desserts and all the area vets were invited as special guests. The most special guest for me was The Hubster, who came to enjoy the dinner and take me home to Ark City. When I saw that handsome man in the Navy cap walk through the door, my knees wobbled big-time!


Female in Motion Exercise Update: I did four aerobic workouts last week. Also did lots of walking around the Sprint Center and Power & Light District in KC. Even with restaurant meals, I lost one pound.


Notable Quote:

" trust turns nightmares into exhilarating moments when we are fully convinced of the trustworthiness of the One who is moving our lives along. It is about how trust is the greatest gift that we can give our Father--a gift of immeasurable beauty."--Sheila Walsh, "Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God"


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