Road Trip Trauma

Last weekend, The Hubster and I took a little road trip down Oklahoma way. We thought it would be a good excuse to see what the new car could do and work some of the kinks out. Well, we found a kink.

We packed up the car and headed out bright and early Friday morning. The Hubster had just pulled onto Interstate 35 when he starts fiddling with the driver's seat position. First, he moved the seat a little further back, so he could stretch out his legs. Then, he tried the seatback lever. (By the way, the whole time he's doing this, I'm telling him that this is supposed to be done when the car is in the garage, not on the highway!)

The upshot was, The Hubster drove the next two hundred miles folded over like a French omelette! That's right, he tried to move the lever and ended up getting it stuck in the farthest forward position. We pulled over and he tried jiggling it, hitting it and moving it back and forth, all to no avail. Yes, it was stuck. Only then did The Hubster ask me to get out the car manual in the glove compartment.

Like my dad used to say, "If all else fails, read the directions!" The directions informed us that there was something wrong with the seatback lever. As we drove through Oklahoma City, we looked for Hyundai dealerships. No luck. Finally, The Hubster turned over the car to me. I'm shorter and have stubby legs.

It was only after we reached our destination and checked into our hotel that The Hubster got the seatback into a semi-comfortable position. Whoosh! So much for a relaxing weekend getaway. I threatened him with bodily harm if he tried to touch that lever again. By the way, we're getting the wicked thing fixed this week.

In FitZone news, the place is packed out every blessed morning, and that means I have to get up earlier. Otherwise, I have to wait in line for machines. Any excuse, and I'm cutting my workouts short. I don't want to do that. I have goals to reach!


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