Craving More

Matthew 5:6 (KJV) Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

When I was going through chemotherapy for breast cancer, they gave me steroids to help my body process the chemicals. It left me with a few interesting side effects. Leg cramps, acne, and major food cravings.

I soaked in Epsom salts for the leg cramps, slathered on Clearasil for the acne, and ate lots of meat for the cravings. That was the only thing that helped satisfy that carnivorous urge. The big problem, though, is that the cravings kept coming back. I never seemed to be satisfied for very long.

Are you hungry and thirsty for more? If the things of this world never satisfy for long, lean in close to the Savior. Let Him satisfy you in a way you can keep.

For total and completely lasting satisfaction, follow hard after Him.


Notable Quote:

"People who love to eat are always the best people."--Julia Child


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