
The Bonnie & Clyde of Farmington Drive!
Wow, the last four days have gone by in a whirlwind! I traveled to north central Missouri last weekend to attend a family reunion. My mother's family, the Ballews, meet every two years to eat, laugh, talk, play games, hang out, share memories and generally love on each other. We're a big, happy, crazy, fun family and really enjoy being together.

Tonight, I am grateful for family. Mine, The Hubster's, and the one we created.

Rainbows United held their All-Staff In-Service Day today. It started early at the beautiful Botanica, with inspirational speeches, service awards and a yummy breakfast. This afternoon, we broke into departments for more training, team-building exercises and an equally delicious lunch. Fun at work!

Tonight, I am grateful for my job. The work, the people and the mission.

This week, Female in Motion will celebrate its' 8th blogaversary. To mark the occasion, I will post a second entry this week on Thursday. Please read!

Tonight, I am grateful for faithful readers. You honor me with your unwavering support.


Notable Quote:

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
