Thanksgiving Reflections: Coming Home

I was a senior in high school...had the world by the tail. Good grades, scholarships to college, and a cute boyfriend, were all mine. I was happy, and looking forward to a bright future. All I needed was a dress for the Homecoming Dance.

The Homecoming game was a Friday night staple. Derby was, and still is, a football town. Everyone goes to the game. I made my way up the endless concession line, while my boyfriend held our seats. With Cokes in hand, I found our seats had been taken by others and the boyfriend was nowhere in sight. I found him later, sucking face behind the bleachers with a sleazy blonde sophomore.

After a brief "discussion," I discontinued my association with that boy and walked briskly home.

"Mom, I'm not going to the dance," I announced when coming in the door.

"After all the money we spent, you're going," she warned, as she called the boy's mother.

Twenty-four hours later, he arrived at my door, looking terribly uncomfortable. I looked stunning, of course, but equally ill-at-ease. He spent the evening sitting in a corner, sulking. I spent the evening in the bathroom, crying. After a while, I summoned my courage.

"Take me home," I urged the ex. I just needed to be where I was safe and secure, where people loved me, where I felt relaxed.

That's the way we all feel at times; we want to go home. When times are tough and the world is cold and hard, the safe haven of home is a welcome sight.

Some days, when life is at its most difficult, I want to see my ultimate "home," Heaven. I long to hear Jesus say, "Welcome home!"

Are you far from home, and aching for a homecoming?


Female in Motion Health Update: I lost two more pounds this week. Eating more vegetables and watching portions is paying off. The Hubster and I got to see some family members this week; a sad occasion, but happy for the time together.


Notable Quote:

Home---"The place in which you are treated the best and grumble the most."--Author Unknown


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