Considering the Circumstances

 People see me out and about town, shopping, going out to dinner, or to church. They seem surprised to see me, like people with cancer should be at home with the curtains drawn. "How are you?" they ask, worry dripping from every word. "I'm doing great!" I say, with a smile.

Why not? It's true! God is blessing my life with lots of good stuff. The Hubster and I just celebrated 31 years of marriage, our business is growing, we eat regularly and pay our bills, we have a beautiful family and great, supportive friends. We are blessed! 

Breast cancer is merely one circumstance in my life. It does not consume my whole life. Hopefully, in a couple of years, it will be a dim memory. My attitude is that life is good and God has blessed me. I've been through enough trials in my 50 years to know that those valleys are temporary, so treat them as such. Live above your circumstances. 

*Decide. Make a conscious decision to trust Christ with your life.
*Commit. Make a commitment to follow Him, wherever He leads.
*Submit. Surrender your will to God's Will.

If you do these three things, you'll be well on your way to Happy Town, Contentsville or Blessed City, whichever way you're headed. I'm not a citizen yet, but I've packed my bags and I'm pointed in the right direction. Care to join me? Let's rent a convertible!


Last week, I was angry, frustrated, numb and tired. This week, I am hopeful, encouraged, resolved to continue this fight...and yes, still tired. But that's okay. I spent a good portion of time last week researching what ifs. What if I have to have a mastectomy? What if I have to have chemo? What if they want to put a medical port in? What if my hair falls out? The answers to all these questions are pretty easy, actually. I will face it as it comes. Not alone, either. I have my Savior, The Hubster, my family, my sweet friends, and all of you wonderful readers to support me on my journey. So here I go, taking another step forward.


Female in Motion Exercise Update: I did my physical therapy exercises every day last week, including the weekend. There are 13 different movements I practice daily, to increase mobility on my right side. I still have a lot of nerve pain in the area, but the exercises are getting a bit easier every day. By the way, I continue to lose weight, and am now down by 18 pounds since May.


Notable Quote:

Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)

 "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."


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