Stay Weird, Graduates!

1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

I am probably never going to be asked to be a commencement speaker at a graduation ceremony, but all these graduation announcements that I am receiving in the mail got me to thinking. What words of wisdom would I impart on a young person facing the new challenge of college or career? Be peculiar!

While high school and college are great for some, there are kids who have trouble in school. Maybe they don't quite fit in like others do. Lots of teens do everything they can to blend in. Some can't, or won't. High school only lasts four years, although it seems like an eternity, at times. Go ahead, be unusual!

I was a weird kid. As a youngster, I lived my life through books. Doing my best to blend in, I passed through the high school years as a choir and drama nerd. I became proficient in talking, acting and dressing like everyone else. Inside, my true self was shy, insecure and searching for meaning and purpose. I wish I had the courage to be me.

God has called us to be a peculiar people. He wants us to be ourselves, our true, authentic selves. That's what He created us to be. If we stand in God's presence and stay true to His will for our lives, we will always be successful and blessed.

Don't be afraid to stand out in a crowd; to speak your mind and stand up for your convictions. These are the hallmarks of a full-grown adult, fully formed and ready for battle in the real world. Yes, people may look at you. They may also look up to you. Even if they don't agree with your views, they will admire your guts.

The city of Austin, Texas has adopted an interesting slogan: "Stay Weird, Austin!" This motto is in regards to their varied and eclectic arts and music community. I believe that as this year's graduates move toward adulthood, they should make this their mantra. Go ahead, give it a peculiar!


Momala's Netflix Movie Pick: Okay, let me start by saying that I'm a big animal lover. "Hachi: A Dog's Tale," is a drama based on a real story from Japan. Richard Gere, Joan Allen and Jason Alexander star in this family film about an Akita puppy that is abandoned at a train station and befriended by Gere's character, a college music professor. The pup proves to be highly intelligent and walks his master to the train station every day, then returns to pick him up in the evening. After years of this pattern, one day the master suffers a fatal heart attack at work and never returns. Hachi continues to wait for his master's return for nine full years! This movie had me in tears, so I wouldn't recommend it for the soft-hearted. It is rated G. Five out of five stars.


Female in Motion Exercise Update: I did two disco aerobic workouts last week.


Notable Quote:

"A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that "individuality" is the key to success."--Robert Orben, American humorist


Marla said…
Carol, Our dog, Dakota, is a slightly large Shiba Inu. He is a dead ringer for Hatchi. I wasn't just in tears...I was sobbing by the end! It is a great movie!

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