Plays, Parades and Puddles

"Into the Woods," a Stephen Sondheim play was performed by the Ark City High School drama department last weekend. This musical is a retelling of a collection of fairy tales, now not necessarily fit for tots. I snickered through the humor and was properly grossed out when the giant squished certain citizens of the woods under her massive Aerosoles. Oh, I'm so mature!

There were a number of standout vocal performances in this play: Mary Beth Byers as Little Red Riding Hood, Shane Clark as Jack (of ...and the Beanstalk fame), Joseph Descartes as The Baker, Rachel McAfee as The Baker's Wife, Lane Russell as The Narrator and Emma Schrag as Cinderella. Shane Clark's high tenor and acting prowess will make him someone to watch in the future. Two very good friends worked hard to make this play a success, Conner Coldwell on drums and Alexis Coldwell on makeup. Way to go, Coldwell kids!


I have become a Facebook drone. I promised myself I wouldn't do it. That website was the domain of my daughters. Somehow, they sucked me in. Several people mentioned that it would be good to have a Facebook page to draw viewers to Female in Motion. Others said I could promote future books. Finally, it came down to being able to see photos of my daughters. Priorities!


I attended the Veteran's Day Parade last Wednesday. My father-in-law Bruce Skiles rode the American Legion float and the ACHS marching band was out in full force. Although it wasn't a long one, this parade was meaningful to me. I saw older veterans walking alongside current military members. In the shelter of our Midwestern cocoon, we don't often see the faces of this current war. This day brought it home.


What with all the activity in my life, i.e. work, writing, church, wedding, I have been feeling rather stressed of late. This has made me irritable and overwhelmed. As moms, we feel like we have to be all to everyone. Well, something's got to give! I'm trying a new daily affirmation: "I can only do what I can do." Between that and prayer, I hope I can handle things. Otherwise, you'll find me melted down in front of my desk like a puddle of forgotten Popsicles.


Exercise Update: I did three sets of hand-weight calisthenics and three aerobic workouts last week. It's sometimes difficult for a "mom mind-set" woman to make time for herself during a busy week. I know it will pay off if I do, however.


Notable Quote:

"Whom shall I fear/why should I worry/your grace is sufficient for my need/Your joy is my strength/Your peace is my shelter/You faithfully watch over me/I will rest in Your love/put my trust in Your goodness/and set my thoughts/on peaceful things above."--From the song "Rest in Your Love" by Gary Sadler


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