A Memorable Memorial Day

This year, Memorial Day was not at all what The Hubster and I expected. And we are so glad it came out that way! As it turned out, our daughter, Sarah, spent Sunday night with us and then we had a lovely Memorial Day together. We breakfasted and then The Hubster found a DIY project he wanted to do, so Sarah and I pitched in to help. We capped it off with the traditional burger and hot dog extravaganza!


I spent the day with my mom on Friday. We had a blast talking about our summer plans, family news and generally just dishing. Mom's backyard is full of finches, sparrows and wrens, topped off with a liberal smattering of bunnies and squirrels. It wasn't at all that way when Dave and I were kids. We were always running around that yard, screaming and yelping like a herd of wildebeest in stampede mode.


On Saturday night, I invited my Sunday School buddies to come over for a pizza and video night. We have been studying the book of Esther, the prototype for Wonder Woman (just my opinion!). We watched "One Night With the King" while we munched on Pizza Hut pies. She was strong and tough and courageous, even though she was probably scared to death and totally out of her element. I like that!


In the grocery store this morning, I saw a veteran in his VFW cap, most likely on his way to a Memorial Day observance. It made me think about my grandfather, who served in World War II, my father, who served in Korea, and The Hubster, who served during the Persian Gulf Crisis, along with countless others. I want to make it a priority to say thank you and pray for all our military members, whether veterans, active duty, or those who never made it home. God bless America!


Quotable Quote:

"I, in my own mind, have always thought of America as a place in the divine scheme of things that was set aside as a promised land. It was set here and the price of admission was very simple: the means of selection was very simple as to how this land should be populated. Any place in the world and any person from those places; any person with the courage, with the desire to tear up their roots, to strive for freedom, to attempt and dare to live in a strange and foreign place, to travel halfway across the world was welcome here."--Ronald Reagan, June, 1952, in a commencement address at William Woods College.


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