I Joined the KWA!

I've never been much of a joiner. After washing out of the Girl Scouts in a few short months, I meandered through dance, soccer, tennis and piano lessons. There were a few club meetings in high school that I went to once or twice. It's just not my bag, man! So when my writing mentor suggested I network with other writers, I had to swallow quite hard before I made my move.

Regardless of whether you've been published or not, the Kansas Writers Association supports and encourages all kinds of writing: poetry, non-fiction, screenwriting, as well as fiction. They have monthly workshops that cover a multitude of interesting subjects for budding Shakespeareans. I'm excited to attend some meetings and get acquainted with people who love what I love so much. I'll keep you posted on my progress.


Our daughter, Rachel, came down last week for a very sweet visit. Sweet, because we spent most of the time in the kitchen, watching her bake goodies! The Hubster and I call Rachel, "the Baking Savant," because she has the most natural, God-given talent for baking we have ever seen. Since The Hubster and Rachel are both gluten-free eaters, all the baked goods are made using rice flour. She has made the adjustments so easily, it's impossible to tell the difference. No recipes, just right!


The Hubster and I made a quick trip to north central Kansas today. Our dear friend, Gilbert Londeen passed away last week, and the funeral took place in Chapman, with the interment in Enterprise. Gil was one of the last true raconteurs. He was a great gentleman and husband to Betty, with a ready joke and warm smile for all he met. Farewell, Gil, after a long life well-lived.


Missionary Baptist Church will hold its' annual May Fellowship on Thursday and Friday this week. The meeting is just an excuse to get a bunch of friends together to sing and preach and pray and eat. The festivities kick off at 7 p.m. Thursday, with sandwiches afterward. Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. is when the major singing and preaching takes place, only interrupted by meals at noon and 5 p.m. (We finish with a service at 7 p.m.)Folks come from all over the Midwest with lots of great voices and instruments. Make time to come by this year. You'll be glad you did!


Exercise update: Three workouts on the treadmill this week, plus four rounds of hand-weight calisthenics. I wore a suit to the funeral today that had been in the back of the closet for two years. Yippee!


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