For All We Call Mizzou

I took a trip last week. It was kind of like falling through the rabbit hole, like Alice in Wonderland. I landed in a place I had never been before, and saw things that were wondrous. The University of Missouri at Columbia is truly a wondrous and beautiful place. My experience there may change the rest of my life.

When my dear father died two and a half years ago, we searched for a way to honor his memory. My sister, Laurie, remembered how much Dad loved his years at MU and the education that helped him become a successful engineer. She and Mom researched the possibility of a memorial there. The endowment team at the University were top-notch, and in no time at all, the Kirk R. Monson Memorial Engineering Scholarship was a reality!

On Thursday night, my mom, sister Donna, and I attended the Engineering Department Scholarship Banquet, and got to meet our first recipient, Spencer. He's a terrific guy! Really smart, funny and engaging young man with a love of physics and old motorcycles. He told us about his life, family and thanked us for the opportunity to attend a great school like Mizzou. Without Dad's scholarship, he would have had to attend a less prestigious school.

Everyone treated us like royalty! My mom had so much fun touring the campus, trying to remember all the old haunts she and Dad had. We even went to the campus bookstore and bought out the place. Suffice it to say, we'll all be wearing University of Missouri t-shirts daily! Okay, maybe not every day...but often!

The road trip over to Columbia was great, too. My mom and I had a chance to really connect and talk over so much. She is such a strong and positive woman. I am so proud to be her daughter. It gets pretty tiring keeping up with her, though. Just kidding, Mom!

I want to congratulate my sister-in-law, Cindy, for taking second place in the scarecrow contest at the Fall Festival in Dexter last week. Way to go, you Crafty Lady!

Also, Ashley Carter, daughter of my old friend, Deanne Splechter, did great at the FFA State Meet two weeks ago. Her event is public speaking. Atta girl, Ashley!

My workouts have been spotty lately. I am having scheduling trouble with my workload. Every time I try to leave the house, a client calls and I have to look something up for them, or run a report, etc. I'm not complaining. The business is picking up, and that's a good thing. I think the only solution is to get up earlier. If you know me at all, you know that this is huge! I'm going to have The Hubster wake me up at 6:30 a.m. Ugh!


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