Graceful Rain

Photo courtesy of Twelve Timbers
Matthew 6:34 (KJV) Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

When the Jews wandered in the desert for 40 years, God provided food for them. Manna fell from heaven each night and in the morning, the people gathered just enough for that day. If they tried to save some, it spoiled.

The lesson taught to them by their Heavenly Father was to trust Him for all their needs and to focus on one day at a time.

This daily blessing was completely from God--no other. It was freely given to all; they just had to accept it.

Manna is a picture of the grace that God rains down on us each day. We simply have to pick up what we need, and it will suffice.

Worry, if left unchecked, will ruin your today and tomorrow, too.

Don't borrow tomorrow's troubles--stay in the day.


Notable Quote:

"It's easy to look at the things of this world to solve our challenges and obstacles in life, but when we submit our lives to Christ, His grace, mercy, peace, and love will bring true fulfillment to our lives."--Bethany Hamilton


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