Wait For It

Psalm 37:34 (KJV) Wait on the LORD, and keep his way.

When The Hubster was finishing his education at Friends University, his classes were held on Saturday. Occasionally, my daughters and I would accompany him and we would spend the day shopping or go to a movie.

Near the westside mall was an intersection where the traffic light took so long to change, the girls labeled it, "the light of death." We tried to avoid it, if at all possible.

Waiting is such a difficult concept for humans to grasp. Children can't wait to get big, teens can't wait to get their license, workers can't wait for vacation and baby boomers can't wait to retire.

Some say waiting is the hardest work of all, but God asks us to wait until He reveals His will. Our Father gives us hard tasks to help us mature in our faith. He promises grace for the journey in exchange for our faithful patience.

Busyness and thrashing about are so easy in comparison to a calm, peaceful pause. As Christ Followers, we must guard against premature movement. It is at the peril of damaging our testimonies and His Kingdom.

Ever stand in front of the microwave, tapping your foot? Me, either.


Notable Quote:

"How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?"--Paul Sweeney


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