Why I Throw Parties

One of my favorite parts of working at an office full of fun, lively people, is the opportunity I have to host parties. Birthday parties happen monthly, but I also love to throw unexpected, quirky events. Have you ever heard of National Hummus Day?

Deciding on a cool theme, secret meetings with co-conspirators, planning the menu and ordering supplies are all things I enjoy. I get a kick out of being creative with very little money. For my supervisor's Hawaiian luau birthday party last month, I "borrowed" the pink stuffed pig from the children's library and placed it on a platter with an apple in its mouth.

Working at a non-profit, none of us have a lot of extra cash, so I keep things simple, with fun and easy touches. Pinterest and Oriental Trading Post have lots of unique ideas. And Amazon is a great place to buy party supplies, quick and cheap.

Planning a birthday party for a co-worker allows me to show them how much I care, and that they are valued. The look of complete surprise when they enter the room and see all the decorations and food, that makes it special.

Any workplace has everyday stresses. Parties are a chance for friends and co-workers to exhale and have a laugh. Everyone needs to be reminded, at least once per year, that their presence in this world is significant and they make a positive impact.


Notable Quote:

"Life has no pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendship."--Samuel Johnson


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