Growing in Grace

I belong to a wonderful cancer support organization, called WhatNext. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, this group provides encouragement and information to all types of cancer patients and survivors.

A member, who recently had a double mastectomy, attended an important meeting at the insurance company, where she works. A loud and completely rude woman commented that my friend would no longer be able to check "female" on the gender box of the enrollment form.

Crushed, the WhatNexter shared her horrifying experience with our group. Unlike the cretin from her office, we supported her...and showed her grace.

Grace begins with Jesus Christ. He IS grace, but it is not limited to Him. We can show grace to others, too.

According to Finney's Systematic Theology, growing in grace takes two important ingredients: knowledge of the Bible and intense passion for the subject. These two seeds will germinate to produce the lovely fruit of grace in our lives.

When I am less critical, more tolerant of others' choices, and share more of His gifts, I will become more mature in my faith. This really hits home, because I need to make a lot of improvement in these areas.

Perhaps I might even learn to show myself a bit of grace.


Female in Motion Health Update: Starting to get the tiniest bit of energy from the iron supplements. However, the grumbling guts are still an issue. I spent my MLK Day cleaning out a file drawer in the former RDS office. A sad duty, but it must be done. Onward!


Notable Quote:

Such as do not grow in grace, decay in grace. There is no standing at a stay in religion, either we go forward or backward; if faith does not grow, unbelief will; if heavenly mindedness doth not grow, covetousness will. A man that doth not increase his stock diminisheth it; if you do not improve your stock of grace, your stock will decay. The angels on Jacob's ladder were either ascending or descending; if you do not ascend in religion, you descend.--Thomas Watson


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