One With Christ
Last week, I blogged about the power and intimacy of prayer. This subject seemed to resonate with many of you (and me!), so I will continue on this subject for another couple of weeks. Today, I'm focusing on intimacy with Christ. James 4:8a (KJV) Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. An intimate relationship with God is what most Christians want...and need. However, the possibility of a real and true friendship with our Heavenly Father can only be achieved through a personal relationship with Christ. A salvation experience. When you ask God to forgive your sins and come to live in your heart, it changes you. In II Corinthians 5:17, the Bible says you become a "new creature." The key to this new creation is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He takes up residence in our hearts. Our bodies are Christ's new temple. This is how God communicates with us while we are here on Earth. Once you experience the presence of God, you'll be hungry for more. Th...