Forgiveness: The Root of Bitterness

(This is the final installment of my three-part series on forgiveness.)

Hebrews 12:14-15 (KJV)
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

The roots of beautiful flowers are underground, hidden from view. If a root succumbs to disease, it can destroy the entire plant, if not the garden. The root of bitterness is spiritual poison to our bodies. We are commissioned by the Bible to strive to become more Christlike. Resentment has no place in the heart of a believer.
The Hubster said once in a Sunday School lesson, "Spiritual wounds do not heal on their own. You have to go to The Doctor." So true! Our humanity yearns to strike back against an enemy. We have to fight our sin nature. What will it profit us?

If your brother sins against you, Jesus taught us in Luke 17 to forgive him over and over, when he repents. Ephesians 4 warns us to not to go to sleep until we get over our anger, because it allows Satan to gain a hold in our hearts. We must be careful to guard our thoughts. By holding a grudge, we allow negative thoughts to flourish. This negativity breeds hatred, anger and resentment. The Bible warns that these traits are cancer to your spiritual life and service to Christ.

Instead of stewing in our own bitter juices, we must fill our lives, hearts and minds with positive thoughts, meaningful activities and encouraging Scriptures. Do not allow the Devil to devour your relationships. Your children can learn much from a parent who can put the past behind them with an open and loving heart. Allow the love of Christ to shine through you, for all to see.


The Hubster and I spent last week at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Chicago. They have a wonderful breast cancer clinic there. We were impressed with their health team approach. The whole place is like a fancy spa or resort. The cafeteria serves delicious, 90 percent organic meals. They also have many, many more treatment options than I have seen anywhere in Kansas. My team found out some things about my particular case that I had no idea about, so I am mulling over all my new choices and waiting on God for answers. We would appreciate your continued prayers, blog buddies!


Female in Motion Exercise Update: I did three 15-minute yoga workouts, minus the Wii, because I was in Chicago all week. I also walked on the treadmill at the hotel gym three times @ one mile each. Between the exercise, healthy food and busy schedule, I lost four pounds! Good thing, because the CTCA docs want me to lose some more.


Notable Quote:

"Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die."--Malachy McCourt, one of my favorite authors


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