Fitting in God

I stood in front of an open refrigerator, surveying the remnants of Thanksgiving dinner. It contained a couple of spoonfuls of stuffing, a dab of mashed potatoes and three asparagus stalks. Not enough to make a meal out of, these leftovers. That made me think about God. Yeah, I know...I'm weird.

God used to get the lion's share of the leftovers in my life. I was very busy, hustling here and there. I tried to squeeze Him in between housework, shuttling kids and work. An exhaled request for help, a prayer request for a sick friend, a verse or two of Scripture before bed was all I could spare.

And then I realized it wasn't enough. I wanted a grown-up relationship with God. I wanted my faith to mature. My Heavenly Father is not some vending machine to shove a few coins in and get your latest wishes fulfilled. Maybe it was something I read.

Jon Acuff is a Christian blogger that I read daily. In 2008, he wrote a post about how some people try to squeeze God into(or out of)their lives. You can read that post here:

Yes, the title is "Booty, God, Booty." Jon says that we tend to drop God off or leave Him at home when His lifestyle and ours don't sync up. Ouch! I want to do more than shoehorn the Savior into Sunday morning and leave Him there on the pew all week long. I've got to LIVE MY FAITH every day of my life.


Female in Motion Exercise Update:
My Wii camera broke, so while waiting for the new part to arrive I did four 30-minute aerobic workouts last week. Good old Richard Simmons to the rescue!


Notable Quote:

"I know you’ve probably heard this a million times before from other Christian writers, but next time you transition between two parts of your day, think to yourself, “Did I just go booty, God, booty?” If nothing else, it’s a fun phrase to say."--Jon Acuff, author of Stuff Christians Like


Sam LaFantasie said…
I don't think you are weird. Our higher powers can show themselves to us in many different ways and most of the time those ways are quite unexpected. But the wisdom within that appearance is what holds the greatest lesson for me. I find that sometimes, especially when I'm blue, a particular scent that reminds me of spring gives me a renewed hope! That's just like a warm hug from up above! Love it! It's always a pleasure to read your posts! :) Have a good day!

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