Blooming Memories

The photo above is my lilac bush in bloom this week. Every Spring when it blooms, it reminds me of visits to my Grandmother Monson's cozy home in Hale, MO. Her house was surrounded by life of all kinds: kids, grand kids, birds, bugs, and every fragrant plant imaginable. Grandmother had the greenest of green thumbs and was always planting, pruning, weeding and harvesting the bounty of her many gardens. She had myriads of flowers, vines, fruit-bearing trees and bushes, and vegetables of every genus. Standing by her side at the stove, as she stirred a batch of peach preserves or steamed Mason jars full of tasty green beans, I felt connected to her and to my family's history.


Momala's Book Club Update: My friend, B.D. Tharp's novel "Feisty Family Values," has sold out of its first publishing run in just under two months! Due to this matter, the publisher has decided to do a second print run. This is really good news. If you haven't gotten a copy of the book yet, you can find one at all the Wichita bookstores, Amazon, or your local library. It's a great read!


Two of my best buds from church, Conner Coldwell and Sadie Lungren, came by this afternoon to play with the new kittens. It's so fun to watch people interact with the babies, and vice versa. Socks' offspring have just reached the playful and cuddly stage, so they love it when people come over to play. Ah, to be a young feline...or a young anything, for that matter.


Cowley County Writers Guild and Ark City Public Library are celebrating April as National Poetry Month by hosting a Poetry Readaround at 6 p.m. this Thursday, April 15 (Tax Day!) This event is open to anyone: writer, poet or just downright-fun-party-person. Come and bring a poem, original or your favorite, or just come to listen and support. It doesn't even have to be a poem, if that's not your thing. See you there!


Exercise Update: I did three disco aerobic workouts last week and three hand-weight calisthenic sets. My tummy muscles are starting to tighten.


Notable Quote:

"There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money either."--Robert Graves


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