Prose Passion

I was invited to give a speech at the District #3 fall meeting of the Kansas Authors Club on Saturday in Coffeyville. I was treated like a celebrity, and I'm certainly not, but it sure was nice to be spoiled. Plus, I was able to share my love of writing and promote the new Cowley County Writers Guild. Grant Williams, Ark City's poet laureate, introduced me to this active and prolific club. This group has been producing hundreds of newspaper columns, magazine articles, historical non-fiction, memoirs and poetry since the 1940s. I was honored to join my passion for writing with theirs.


The Hubster and I had Sunday dinner with our first daughter, Sarah and her boyfriend, Derek, this week. It was so nice to have a leisurely visit and catch up on their lives. They are both very busy business people, so a home-cooked meal by Dad was a treat for them. We celebrated the day with roast chicken and root veggies, a green salad and pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting.


Female in Motion Book Club: I highly recommend "Up Close and Personal" by Fern Michaels. A generational story out of South Carolina, the plot was tight and the pace was just right. It had a bit of romance, with no raunch. I like that. I finished the book in just three days. Also, I read another Debbie Macomber title, "74 Seaside Avenue." Set in Cedar Cove, Washington, this romance series is fun and swift-moving, albeit light fare. Kind of like having a couple of chocolate chip cookies: a sweet guilty pleasure that's gone way too fast.

Momala's Netflix Movie Pick: "The Three Amigos," starring Steve Martin (I know, ironic!), Chevy Chase and Martin Short, contains one of my favorite musical interludes in all of filmdom. When the Amigos are camping out under the stars and their horses break into song, I am a goner. "Blue Shadows on the Trail" makes the movie. I give it three out of five stars.


I went to a book signing at the Ark City Public Library a couple of weeks ago. If you've never been to one, I encourage you to go. If you love to read, you'll love talking to a writer about what and why they write. The cool thing about the writer I met, Adam Catlin, is that all his stories are set in Cowley County. And they say nothing exciting ever happens here!


Exercise Update: I did four aerobic workouts this week, and two sets of arm weight calisthenics. In addition to the fat-burning aerobics, I also did five minutes each day of metabolism-boosting aerobics, which is a euphemism for tortuous basketball drills.


Notable Quote: "A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking."--Jerry Seinfield


Amber Martin said…
I would just like to say... growing up... I thought that I was related to THE Steve Martin... because my uncle's name was Steve Martin... Very confusing for a young girl... perhaps Gran should have taken that into account before naming him... Of course, she would have had to use a crystal ball but that's beside the point...

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