I Am A Priority

Proverbs 31:22 (KJV) She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. 

 As a kid, I thought my mom was beautiful. (Now that I'm older, I know she is.) On Parents Night at school, I would drag her around from classroom to classroom, introducing her to teachers and friends alike. She always had on a warm smile and a lovely outfit. I'm so proud to be her daughter.

When I was in the trenches of motherhood, the day-to-day whirlwind of activity would sometimes leave me numb. I barely had time to shower daily, much less put on an attractive ensemble and do my makeup. Pouring all my energy into making well-rounded, intelligent and independent human beings left very little time for spa days and spiritual retreats. 

I have trouble sustaining momentum in personal health. For several months, or even a year or two, I will get plenty of rest, exercise, eat right and take time for prayer and meditation. Then, something small will change and I'm off the wagon again, binging on chips and ice cream, watching too much TV and skimping on quiet time.

It probably has a lot to do with my mental health, but I always feel a little guilty taking time away from my family, work, chores and errands. They might suffer some deprivation if I'm not at their beck and call every moment. Actually, it may have a lot more to do with my need for control of my sphere of influence. *gulp*

Let's face it. Your kids don't need a martyr, they need a mom. If you don't have time to spend all day at the spa, take a 30-minute hike around the neighborhood with your kids in tow. Instead of spending a month away in Tibet, trade one of the moms at church or school a hour at the library. 

Make yourself and your health a priority. Because, after all, your children are watching.

Proverbs 31:25 (KJV) Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.


My friend/therapist/writing coach Dean Hall is getting preparing to do something big, something scary, something...epic. He's swimming the entire 184-mile length of the Willamette River in Oregon. Log on to his website and make a donation soon. (Swimming in Miracles) Money raised goes to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Dean is a leukemia survivor and is currently battling lymphoma.


Female in Motion Health Update: I did 15 minutes of disco aerobics this morning. It wore me out, but it was a good tired. I'm also adding more veggies to my diet. I may even get really crazy and get my hair cut this week!


Notable Quote:

The body is a sacred garment. ~Martha Graham


Ginny Marie said…
It seems contradictory, but I do have more energy when I exercise! I haven't been exercising like I should, but I have been gardening. I think that counts as exercise!

This is a great post for moms!
Thanks for your encouragement, Ginny Marie! I agree, when I exercise, I have more energy to do more.
" Because, after all, your children are watching." That is so true. Even if your kids do not have children, they do learn how to live their lives by example.
I agree, Mayor. I believe kids learn a lot more by watching how we act and react to situations we encounter in our lives, than by the words we lecture to them. Of course, that didn't stop me from trying!!!

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