God's Plan for me has no limits! The lesson I learned in last week's post was that I needed to find facts first, then add faith, and the feelings would follow. Let's face it, I haven't always done the right thing...or even the smart thing. This week, I'm making a full confession on what happens when you lead with your feelings. There are consequences to every action, and one of the things that happen when you let your feelings lead the way is that you won't be living God's best for your life. Our Father still honors His children, and will bless you in whatever you do, but it won't be the absolute best plan that He had laid. I am going through a season of mental challenge in my life. Frankly, I'm scared! Am I smart enough? Can I do all this? Will they think I'm stupid? All these questions are fear-based. We all know where fear comes from. Every self-limiting question that swims in my head is straight from the Devil. A holding pattern of...