What Does Carol Do All Day?

Some of you may wonder, what do I do all day, besides write this blog? Good question. Actually, blogging is not my full-time job, it's just a hobby. The Hubster started a data processing business 11 1/2 years ago, and I am the office manager. I spend my day answering phone calls, doing data entry, exchanging emails with clients and generally putting out "fires." Yes, I'm part firefighter, part Sherlock Holmes, with a little Sigmund Freud tossed in.

Our business, Remote Data Services, processes electronic Medicaid claims. When you run your own business, it takes up a lot of time. Just because the clock says five p.m., doesn't mean we get to go home. It's a two-edged sword. I love giving my customers the best service in the world, but I know that I need to take time for myself, as well.

Is this what I thought I would be doing at this point in my life? Not really. When I was a kid, I was convinced I would be Evel Kneivel, or at the very least a glamorous flight attendant, flying all over the world. Later, when I went to college, I studied nursing. None of these occupations were a good fit.

During the ensuing years, I worked as a cashier, waitress, cook, nurse's aide, wheat harvest help, reporter, typist and printer. I was working as a proofreader when The Hubster got the idea for RDS. I jumped at the chance to work with him. Although it is a lot of hard work, I love making my customers happy and that makes me happy.


Momala's Book Club Pick: I just this minute finished "Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult. This novel is based in Amish country, Pennsylvania. A dead newborn is found in a dairy barn on an Amish farm. The suspense builds ever-so-slowly, as details of the conception, pregnancy, delivery and death are revealed. A powerful woman attorney from Philadelphia defends the accused young woman and develops a respectful connection to these "plain" folk. Some romance, small amount of bedroom scenes and just a dot of salty language. Four out of five stars.


Female in Motion Exercise Update: I did four aerobic workouts last week. Disco is my life!


Notable Quote:

"People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up."--Ogden Nash, poet


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