The Book of Ruth: Reflections on Mothers Day

Mom and I in Savannah, GA
The first book of the Bible I ever fell in love with is the book of Ruth. I am enamored with the rich, wonderful love story...but not what you might think. I'm talking about the relationship between Ruth and her mother-in-law.

Merely four chapters before the books of Samuel, Ruth is a young woman of Moab who married a man from the far away land of Bethlehem. Within a decade, Ruth's husband, father-in-law and brother-in-law are dead, leaving only Ruth, her sister-in-law, Orpah, and mother-in-law, Naomi. Deciding to head for home, Naomi tells the young women to return to their families. Orpah leaves, but Ruth refuses to go.

"Whither thou goest, I will go," she vows.

And she followed her mother-in-law all the way home to Bethlehem to begin life over again. They are bonded in grief, mutual respect, and new-found faith. Not afraid of hard work, Ruth sets about to make a living for herself and Naomi. It was a hard thing to be a woman without a man in Bible times. Naomi knew that Boaz, her relative, could provide security for Ruth. She also found a love for a lifetime.

When I was a girl, my mother read the book of Ruth over and over. I asked her one day about it. She said it was her favorite book in the Bible, and she always gleaned something new from it, each time she read. And so I read and re-read Ruth's story, and fell in love, too.

My mom could have chosen to return to her hometown after my dad died. She chose a different path. Mom spends her days volunteering--helping strangers, friends and family. She is a strong and God-centered woman. We've really connected in the last six years. Mom has always been mom; now she's a supportive friend and mentor. 

Sharing her love of this sacred Bible tale, my mother also shared her love for the Savior and me. That's what being a mom is all about...fearless faith and love.


Female in Motion Health Update: I am increasing treadmill workouts every two weeks. This week, I'm up to 20 minutes per session. I feel good and my energy is growing a tiny bit every day. My feet are still bothering me, so I'm going to make an appointment with my podiatrist this week. I have a checkup at the radiation clinic in Winfield on Wednesday. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.


Notable Quote:

Proverbs 11:16 (KJV) 
 A gracious woman retaineth honour:


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