Ode to Fritos

Fritos are my favorite snack,
If you give me a bag, you're not getting it back!
Tomato soup, Fritos and grilled cheese,
My childhood memories are made of these.
Simply crafted of corn, oil and salt
Fritos, forever you will live in my heart.
Health food they just might be,
If not, who cares? Fritos, I love thee!

Okay, if you don't know it by now, I'm a bit of a nut! But mostly, this week, I'm a nut over Fritos. The Hubster and I were chatting about how much we adore this corny snack and the myriad of ways to enjoy them. He's a chili pie fanatic, I'm more of a purist, right out of the bag! (By the way, they're gluten-free.)


Watched a great Netflix indie movie on Saturday night. "Penelope" stars Christina Ricci, James McAvoy and Reese Witherspoon. Set in London, this quirky fairy tale centers on a poor little rich girl, born with a curse. She has a pig's nose!


My friend/mentor/therapist, Dean Hall, has written a new book, "A Girl's Guide to Psychos, Players, Punks and Pervs." Described as "how to become the ultimate guy detector," it gives young women tools to identify freaks from friends. Dean is a terrific teacher, father and friend and I can't think of anyone who is better qualified to educate on this subject. If you have a daughter/granddaughter/niece or young friend, grab this book at Cowley Bookstore, or on his website, www.cdeanhall.com. Or better yet, call him to come and speak to your class or club meeting. He's dynamic!


Valentine's Day was sweet this year, and full of family. I did an early celebration with my mom on Thursday. I treated her to lunch at Applebee's, complete with chocolate mousse shooters! I lunched with my kids in Old Town on Saturday. We ate at Uptown Bistro. Yummy! The Hubster and I shared a nice dinner that night, and exchanged small gifts.


Workouts last week:

Monday: 20 minutes treadmill, 15 minutes calisthenics with hand weights.
Tuesday: 15 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes calisthenics with hand weights.
Wednesday: 1 1/2 hours housework, including tub scrubbing, laundry schlepping and vacuuming.
Thursday: 2 hours power shopping with Mom!


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