It is inconvenient to get up before 10 a.m. every Sunday morning, shower, dress and leave the house. How easy it would be to sleep in, read the paper and eat brunch. How many times do we rise early on a Sunday, pack up the family, and head for the lake for a day of fishing, boating and swimming? We soothe our spirits by saying we can worship God wherever we are and being outdoors in His creation is worship enough? God’s Word says otherwise, by the way. In times past, Christians were burned at the stake or fed to the lions for sharing their faith; and yet they were obedient to the Gospel and spoke out. Modern-day followers are concerned with being culturally insensitive. Let’s face it—it is scary to witness Jesus. We risk losing credibility and acceptance. The Gospel of Christ is inconvenient. Talking about Jesus “gets in the way” of normal conversation, we say. We don’t want to offend anyone, we say. Yet we use His name in vain and tell offensive jokes, without cauti...