Suffering Succotash

(This pink pumpkin is from my sweet friends at church, Jennifer and David Carothers.)

John 16:33 (KJV) These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. 

 Some famous television evangelists will tell you that God wants you to be wealthy and healthy. It's called the "prosperity gospel." They expound on how to claim the promises of God, to get your slice of the American Dream. (It usually has something to do with mailing them a wad of cash.) Nothing bad will happen if you believe hard enough. It's a lie.

God didn't promise us an easy life, filled with sunshine and rose petals. If life were trouble-free, heaven wouldn't be that big of a deal. Imagine making it to the Pearly Gates, and it's just like last Tuesday on Earth? Not possible! Our Savior wants the best for us...His best. That doesn't always translate to comfortable lives. Besides, a life of ease is pretty dull.

Let's break down this Bible verse in John 16. The first sentence says, "...that in me ye might have peace." Our Heavenly Father didn't promise us comfort, but we will have peace, whatever we face in life. "In the world ye shall have tribulation:" yes, we've seen a lot of that in our lives. This planet has problems; and those who live there suffer. Check out that great promise in the end there! " of good cheer." We all know Who's in charge, and Who will win in the end. 

Paul begged God for relief from his suffering, but the Father said, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” This prophet was a faithful servant of God, although he was not healed. Often, the Almighty's plan is nowhere near wonderful, but He has the Big Picture in mind. All we can see is a few inches in front of our noses.  Does this mean we should walk around in sackcloth and ashes? Nope. Just be grateful for God's blessings and don't be surprised at life's challenges.


Health Update: As you can see in the photo above, my hair is looking a little thinner and more flat. I'm losing quite a bit this week. The good news? I won't have to shave my legs every third day for a while! My next chemo appointment is October 31. I'm getting my first massage, too!


Female in Motion Exercise Update:  I did four 15-minute treadmill workouts last week. Getting back there really helped me to feel more normal and increased my energy levels. I'm going to work on keeping those times up, to maximize when I feel good.


Notable Quote:

"God never promises to remove us from our struggles. He does promise, however, to change the way we look at them."--Max Lucado, Christian author


Ginny Marie said…
I have always wondered what that thorn in Paul's side was! Our pastor just preached about it not long ago.

I'm glad you are doing well! :)
Thanks for the comment, Ginny Marie! Some say Paul had diabetes, arthritis, IBS...I don't think it matters what he had, but what he did with it.

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