Feisty Friday Face!

Here's my Friday Face today, with a bonus Hubster Face, as well! We got our heads shaved yesterday, so I thought I would give you a bonus shot. I'm really loving it, so far! Maintenance is low, and my head is pretty nicely-shaped. Hooray! It's a little bit cold at night, so we're thinking about little flannel nightcaps, maybe.

(Notice the small "Feisty" pin on the flower of my hat? It's a gift from my favorite author, B.D. Tharp, writer of Feisty Family Values, available on Amazon.com. Check it out!)

I'm feeling great this week, and hope to have a safe and easy trip back for Chemo Treatment #2 at CTCA on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend, Dear Readers! I love you guys!

Precious Lord, You hold me in the palm of Your Hand. I am so grateful for your mercy and abundant love. I pray that you will continue to guide me and heal me through this cancer journey. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Bonnie Tharp said…
SWEET. I love the hat and the pin looks great on it. You rock! And you ARE BEAUTIFUL. Tell Steve, he is, too. :-)
Female in Motion said…
Thanks, B.! The Hubster and I are a matched set of Easter eggs. Ha!
Unknown said…
Carol, you're bravery is so evident in your smile. You are wearing cancer with style! Much love!
Female in Motion said…
Thanks, Janelle! I appreciate your love and support. Congrats on your new radio show partner and I'm praying you will have many happy mornings in the future. I'll be listening!

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