Uncle, Already!
Okay, so last week I told you about the bald spot on the roof...well, the insurance adjuster said the whole thing is a mess, with wind and hail damage. The upshot is we're getting a new roof. Great, now my new hobby is finding reputable roofers and getting estimates. But wait, there's more! That's right. My washer was acting up last week. The Sears guy came today and thought it was just a clogged drain line. Nope, a bearing has gone out and it'll be 750 smackeroonies to fix. Yeah...so we're buying a new one. Dang! I loved that washer! If you haven't heard before, I have a bit of a laundry fixation. I love that clean smell, getting stains out, even the folding. I have been denied that pleasure for an entire week, and now I have to go out and look for a new one. I hate to say the "L" word, but The Hubster needs clean drawers! *** Arkiepoopoo was last weekend. Or, for the uninitiated, Arkalalah. The Hubster dubbed this nickname for the annual Ark City fes...